+91 9824427441

HTML to WordPress

When we are at work, we will code your WordPress website in such a manner that it shows absolute consistent performance across all devices and browsers. We code our CMS for WordPress in a way that it becomes easy to add more content, edit any content or delete a few sections with great ease even if you have no expertise in web.

HTML to WordPress Features

Compatibility across browsers

With the superior quality HTML/CSS markup, we ensure that the website is compatible across different browsers as well as devices.

Improved accessibility

The elements that come in along with HTML5 make it more accessible to the users.

Advanced Theme Control Panel absolutely free

We offer you a simple way in which you can manage all the sections and text in your website. They may include header/footer sections, sliders, Google analytic code, favicon, logo and more.

Easy to manage, user friendly

Our WordPress CMS coding facilitates easy addition, editing and deletion of sections regardless of the experience you have on the web.

Latest WordPress Version

will make use of the latest versions of WordPress.

Easy upgrades and installations

All our themes are easy to upgrade and install too assuring you absolutely minimal work in the future.

HTML Included

Our theme files will include HTML pages too

Widget Ready

Our WordPress themes support numerous plugins and features that include forums, spam protection, social networking and many more.

Integration of Custom Post Types

We will help in creating customized posts which will suit the goals and style of your website.

Supports Flexible, Fixed/Fluid Layouts

Our experts can come up with different types of layouts as our methodology ensures superior quality transition regardless of the option chosen.

Semantic Coding

We use semantic coding which will give you clean markup that does not compromise on speed and utility.

Availability of Numerous Frameworks

Frameworks include Twitter Bootstrap, Fluid Baseline Grid, Less, Foundation and many more.

SEO Friendly, Easy to Manage

Any WordPress theme is easy to use and market too.  It’s simple design facilitates effective SEO.

Support in the form of Multilevel Dropdown Menu

It is easy to create and support multilevel drop down menus in the WordPress menu option.

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Why Chooe Us ?

  • High Quality Markup
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • SEO Semantic Coding
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee